Saturday 9 February 2013

50 Facts About Me!

Hello! I have seen a lot of 25, 50 and 100 fact posts on blogs and Youtube lately and thought I would write one of my own! I started off planning to write a 100 fact post but only got to about 70 and couldn't think of any more! Haha, so I cut it down to 50. I hope you enjoy this and please let me know in the comments if you have written one!

1. I used to eat at least one bar of chocolate a day - sometimes it was three or four! I would not be able to justify that to myself now!
2. I can't whistle
3.  My favourite colour used to be yellow - my bedroom walls were yellow and I wanted a yellow carpet
4. I have three bracelets which I love and wear everyday
5. I told my parents about my blog when I reached 1 follower and they are extremely supportive and excited about it
6. Pasta is my favourite food and I eat it for lunch most days!
7. My feet are a size 5
8. I don't have many close friends but the ones I do have are the best
9. I love planning and have to plan things really early in advance
10.I have had a Fred and Ginger calender for the past 3 years and I love them
11. I walk quite quickly and go out for a brisk 2 hour walk per day
12. Dairy foods give me headaches so I try and avoid them (except cheese - YUM!)
13. For breakfast I eat one Weetabix with hot milk and have done since I first started eating proper food as a child
14. For years I used to wake up every morning at 6am with no alarm
15. I am extremely pale and a lot of brands don't do foundations/concealers pale enough for me
16. I go through perfumes ridiculously quickly
17. I get very excited over little things
18. I love walking!
19. I have no piercings - I did have my ears pierced but let them grow over a few years ago
20. Every Saturday in my lunch break I meet my parents and we go for lunch together
21. When this publishes, I am in Bath with my mum looking around a makeup school!
22. I used to have my hair highlighted blonde

23. My scalp can be quite sensitive so have to be careful with what shampoos I use
24. I have lived in the same house all of my life
25. I am an only child
26. I am constantly on the search for my perfect hairdresser and have probably been to every salon in my town
27. Every evening I have to sit down with my parents for a chat because I just love talking to them about anything and everything!
28. The latest I ever get up is 10am otherwise I feel I have wasted my day
29. My parents read all of my blog posts and watch my videos which I love!
30. My name is spelt Rebeccah and a lot of people think that is a strange spelling or think I have spelt it wrong!
31. I love making lists
32. Once I find a food I like, I eat it most days until I get bored with it and don't like it any more. I am currently in love with Chicken Tikka!
33. I want to go to America and Australia one day - they are my top choices for holidays!
34. Christmas is my favourite time of year but Summer is my favourite season because I love sunny holidays and it's my birthday!
35. I wore braces for about one year
36. I love where I live
37. I find it annoying when shops don't sell clothes in my size
38. When I was younger I used to go on holiday with my parents to the same camp site in Cornwall for years and I loved it!
39. I have 3 cats and the eldest one I have had since I was 5!
40. All that I drink is water apart from the occasional hot chocolate. I am quite good and drink at least 2.5 litres of water a day
41. I have been best friends with my best friend for 7 years
42. I always get a Valentines card from my parents
43. When I was 4 I was a star in a school nativity play and had to stand through the whole show with my arms out like a star
44. I am always paranoid when I text/tweet/email people that they will think I am being annoying and want me to stop messaging them
45. I wear fluffy socks pretty much everyday
46. I love painting my nails but I hate having to remove nail polish so usually let it chip off!
47. I am a very positive person and always see the good in things. I am regularly referred to as the smiley, happy girl
48. I have been trying to get my bedroom how I want it for ages - it's currently just a mish mash of things
49. I used to get bullied in Secondary school - not really badly, but enough. I only started wearing makeup because a girl in Secondary school called me ugly for not wearing any
50. I practically live in leggings and ankle boots

I really hope you have enjoyed this post! I know there are a lot of them about at the moment but hopefully you feel like you know me a little bit better now!


  1. Hi, new follower here!

    I love this facts about me tag going around :) I've enjoyed reading people's! Your facts were different, genuine and nice to read. How rude for people to suggest your name is spelt wrong! And I wish I loved to walk and drink water, I think I'd of lost weight so much faster!

    Amy x

    1. Aww hello! Thank you, I am so glad you like it :) Haha I don't think they mean it in a rude way, it's just not a very common spelling :) Haha I never used to drink much water but I love it so much now! :) xx

  2. love this post!I used to eat a bar of chocolate a day too but had to cut down haha xx

    1. Thank you! Haha I just couldn't justify it now! I ate a crazy amount - but it tasted yummy! :) xx

  3. I can't whistle either and people always make fun of me for it :( x

    1. Aww! I wish I could sometimes but I don't think many people know I can't because it never comes up! :) xx

  4. Aw love this post, I'm a super fast walker too, my friends hate it and don't understand how I can walk that fast because I'm so small lol! xo

    1. Yay thank you :) I walk so fast and it's annoying when I walk with others because they seem really slow and I don't understand how they walk so slow! Haha :) xx

  5. Aww, you are SO sympathetic and your parents seem to be the loveliest people ever. :)
    I love your blog as well as your Youtube videos and I wish you all the best because you're just too adorable. :)

    1. Thank you so much lovely! Hehe they are :) aww that is so nice and has made me very happy! xxx

  6. Loved this post! I like getting to know other bloggers better :)


    1. Yay thank you! Me too, these posts are so fun to read! :) xx

  7. Hey Becky, you have a really nice blog!
    Loved reading those facts about you :) I'm very pale too, and I hate when certain brands don't have the right shade for my skin tone, so annoying!
    Lovely post!

    Inês xx

    1. Hi lovely! Thank you :) I agree! I bought a Laura mercier foundation the other month which was amazing but I had to return it as the palest shade was way too dark! xx

  8. love this post I'm so nosey so have been enjoying everyone doing this tag!.
    Your hair looks nice blonde can't believe you used to be blonde though thought you had always been dark.

    1. Thank you! Haha I'm the same! Thank you :) xx

  9. I've never met anyone who wears the same shoe size as I do (okay, I actually wear a 4/4.5 but I make 5 work). I started following your blog a while ago and always look forward to your posts!

    1. Hehe really! I thought a 5 wa quite common! Aww thank you so much :) xx

  10. I love these kinds of posts!

    People think I'm strange to only drink water but I hate fizzy drinks..



    1. Ooh me too! I would never drink anything fizzy! :) xx

  11. Great post! It's great to get to know a bit about you


  12. Aw it's so sweet that you and your family are so close! I'm super pale as well, and I have freckles as well which has made it even harder to find a good foundation, but I really like Rimmel Match - I use ivory but I'm pretty sure it comes in a paler shade or two. Lovely post :) xx

    1. I bought that foundation once but they were all too dark! Thank you :) xx

  13. Hi! Your hair looks really nice blonde - suits you! I really enjoy reading your blogs and watching your videos!! Please don't stop!!! x

    1. Thank you! Aww that's such a lovely thing to say! :) xx

  14. Your hair looks lovely blonde, loved this post :) xx

  15. wow! We re almost alike :)

  16. I'm sorry to read that you were bullied. I was bullied my whole life until I got to uni. Thank God for the friends I have now :)

    Wow you love walking! I wish I can the patience (and a companion) to walk for two hours a day, I can't go anywhere alone due to my migraines.

    Also MY GOODNESS SO MUCH CHOCOLATE! :O How do you still have teeth? :P teehee!

    1. Thank you :) Aww I'm sorry too - I agree about friends though. Amazing friends make it okay :) Hehe I do - I prefer walking alone because I walk so fast and I love it! Haha I have no idea how I justified eating so much! :) xx

  17. I can't believe a single person on this world would ever call you "ugly", You are gorgeous. With or without make up. :)


    1. Aww thank you so so much lovely! That is so nice and you have really made my day :) xx

  18. I love your facts! You seem to have a great relationship with your parents which is so sweet :) I can't whistle either and I LOVE my fluffy socks too

    Orla x

    1. Thank you! Ooh me too, I wear them everyday! :) xx

  19. I love these posts! I done a 25 random facts on my blog I love the fact that you're really close to your parents and I hope visiting the beauty school went well! xx

    1. Ooh thank you, I will read yours later :) Yay it went great thanks! :) xx

  20. Becky you're gorgeous, don't listen to those girls! And I can't whistle either :( You're so pretty with blonde hair as well

    A little bit Unique


    Oh and I'm running a giveaway, if you want to pop over and have a nosey! Giveaway here

    1. Aww thank you so much my lovely! That's really kind :) Haha I can't either! xx

  21. I completely agree with you on #3, 9, 12, 15, 17, 27, 28, 29, 32, 34, 40, 42, 46, and 47. Must be why I like your videos and blog so much. :)

    1. Yay that's great! I'm glad I never got a yellow carpet or my room would look like the inside of a banana! Thank you, I am so glad you enjoy them :) xx


Thank you for your comment. I read them all and they make me smile! x